Home > Artworks > Carlos Adrian Ceriana G - Bellver

Photo of Carlos Adrian Ceriana G - Bellver Spain

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University education, has studied Fashion and Textile Design. He has attended workshops in photography, computer graphics, live models, decorated pottery, clay modeling, cartapesta, engraving, screen printing, and special workshops on Social Psychology, drama and creative writing.

He has made costumes and sets for plays and designed posters advertising for them.

Professor of Art History (University),...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2012, El Artista y la Isla - Centro Juan Ismael
  • 2011, Colectiva - Suso Machín
  • 2010, Colectiva - Suso Machín
  • 2010, El Artista y la Isla - Centro Juan Ismael
  • 2009, Colectiva - Suso Machín
  • 2009, El Artista y la Isla - Centro Juan Ismael
  • 2009, Mira 2 - Castillo del Tostón
  • 2008, Colectiva - Suso Machín
  • 2008, Colectiva de Materiales Reciclados
  • 2007, Colectiva - Proyecto Atardeceres
  • 2007, Colectiva - Suso Machín
  • 2007, Colectiva - Sala de Exposiciones
  • 2007, Colectiva - Día Mundial de la Mujer

Awards received

  • 2009, 1º Premio - 1º Certamen de Pintura Rápida COLEYCA - FUERTEVENTURA
  • 2008, 2º Premio - VII Certamen de Murales - Majada Marcial - FUERTEVENTURA
  • 2007, 3º Premio - V Certamen de Pintura Rápida - PUERTO DEL ROSARIO - FUERTEVENTURA
  • 2005, MENCIÓN ESPECIAL - Certamen Pintura Rápida - PÁJARA - FUERTEVENTURA
  • 2003, 1º Premio - 1º Certamen de Pintura Rápida - PUERTO DEL ROSARIO - FUERTEVENTURA
  • 2003, 3º Premio - III Certamen de Murales - Majada Marcial - FUERTEVENTURA
  • 1998, 3º Premio - Categoría Artistas - CONGRESO DE LA NACIÓN ARGENTINA

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See everything we offer you!
21.26 x 25.59 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
27.56 x 35.43 in
17.32 x 21.65 in
17.32 x 25.59 in
28.35 x 35.43 in
25.59 x 31.50 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
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University education, has studied Fashion and Textile Design. He has attended workshops in photography, computer graphics, live models, decorated pottery, clay modeling, cartapesta, engraving, screen printing, and special workshops on Social Psychology, drama and creative writing.

He has made costumes and sets for plays and designed posters advertising for them.

Professor of Art History (University), drawing and painting, fashion design and recycling of materials and objects.

His work has been exhibited in Latin America and Spain, participating in collective exhibitions and publications in individual catalogs.

In the past five years has worked as an educator and entertainer sociocultural Centers Psychosocial Rehabilitation for people with mental illness.

He has won several prizes in painting competitions, both in Latin America and in Europe.

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